Analosa has lost an amazing 56kg in three weeks using the Slim Diet II programme. She decided to give it a try after a bad bout of asthma left her physically exhausted. She was confined to bed, and could hardly move.
“My body just couldn’t cope”, Analosa recalls. “My mind wanted to work but I could hardly move, I had no strength in my left arm and my eyes were blurred.”
Analosa started on the cleansing diet on November 6, weighing 145kg. She started on Slim Diet two days later and although she admits to ‘cheating a little’ along the way, she slimmed down rapidly to 91kg by the time she visited the New Image head office on November 26. Analosa’s goal is to get down to size 16 or 17. During her diet, she was too scared to use a scale on a daily basis – afraid that it might show her gaining weight again. Not so, and Analosa’s bubbly laugh, new figure, and new found energy all combine to tell the tale of her remarkable weight loss. Well done Analosa!
2) Jo Whitehouse Bulls - “40 kilos lighter in 7 months”

In 7 months I have reduced from size 22+ to size 14, and yes the wedding dress fits again! My cholesterol has dropped to within the normal range (the doctor is now happy). All joint pain has disappeared, I sleep soundly knowing I am healthier and I no longer snore (so my kids tell me!).
The little things in life are so great again. Getting up from a lounge suite doesn’t take three attempts anymore. Cleaning is easier (still hate doing it though); I can fit easily behind the wheel of a car. Life is so much more enjoyable without having to drag an extra 40kg around.
I used to hate shopping for clothes, but even that is now fabulous. My daughter thinks it’s great as she usually benefits as well. I so cherish the times she lies on my bed while I try things on.
The Slim Diet II programme is so easy to follow. The food is what you eat everyday, it is very nutritional and there is plenty of it. Believe me you are never hungry. I eat real food, the same foods I used to eat, I just follow the programme.
Thank you Slim Diet II
3) Ann Holm, NSW Australia - “Lost 18.5 kilos in 4 weeks”

I have lost 18.5 kilos in 4 weeks and am feeling on top of the world. After the first week using Slim Diet II, I did’nt seem to feel hungry at all.
4) Mr Chan - “Incredible 4 inches in 1 week “

“In less than one week on the Slim Diet II weight loss programme I lost an amazing 11.43cm (4 inches) from my waist and my tummy has become quite flat again. I have tried over 10 other kinds of weight loss methods in the past and this is the first one that has worked successfully, I am really looking forward to seeing forward to seeing myself after another few weeks on the Slim Diet II programme.”
5) Fazleen Rahim - Puchong, Selangor
- Dear Sist, Just to share with you and others..in just 5 days, i've already lost 4kg..am very excited about it..hehehe..hope to loose more KGs after this.. ^_^
After - 75 kg
First of all, million thanks to Vimala bcoz she has given her permission for me to publish her photo & her story at this blog. :)
Vimala has transformed herself from 159 kg to 75 kg in just 22 weeks. For the first week only, she succeeded to lost 10 kg of her weight!! 11 weeks later, she lost another 34 kg.. However, she stopped taking SD2 for about 1 month, but her weight still maintain at that level (about 115 kg). After that, she continued back, and for the next 10 weeks, she lost another 32 kg.. Amazing, isn't it? Even after she stops, her weight still reduced for another few kgs.. And now, she has stopped taking SD2 for >6 months, but her weight still maintains at 75 kg - 76 kg. Another best part that she higlighted was that her body is firm, not flabby, and her skin feels smoother than before. I'm very impressed with her - Congrates Vee..
7) Syila, Terengganu
- feedback from her -
"k.nina, bekalan dah nak abis ni.. nak order lg blh? dari L pelan2 dah jd M dah ni.. hehehe.."
Syila baru sahaja minum SDII sminggu lbh je tu, dia start minum on 18/2/11.. cepat betul kesannya.. :)
7) Syila, Terengganu
- feedback from her -
"k.nina, bekalan dah nak abis ni.. nak order lg blh? dari L pelan2 dah jd M dah ni.. hehehe.."
Syila baru sahaja minum SDII sminggu lbh je tu, dia start minum on 18/2/11.. cepat betul kesannya.. :)
Dear Sist,
ReplyDeleteJust to share with you and others..in just 5 days, i've already lost 4kg..am very excited about it..hehehe..hope to loose more KGs after this.. ^_^
Wow!! Congrates2 fazleen! An average of 1 kg per day.. keep it up sist.. juz make sure ur keto stick is always pink ~ it means that ur fats are being burn optimumly.. i'm always available for any enquiries, okay.. tq2 sis.. :)